Shiv Shivakumar
Seek Advice
Shiv's Library
Graffiti Wall
SP Jain institute of Management and Research
IIM Bodhgaya
The Branded Food revolution
Ifly training centre
Surrogate Advertising ban
Content Monetization and Influencers
The BIG business of BRAND Fakes
10 Points from the Kantar FMCG Pulse Report
HR Tech Opportunities
The success of K Brands
Employee Loyalty and Attrition
Learnings from the Vande Bharat CEO Mr Sudhanshu Mani
The Expectation Gap
Why Young Managers should Question
How brands can live long and thrive
ET Kaleido Jury for Public Relations and Communications awards
Business World Marketing White Book Summary
Middle Management – Asset or Liability
Brand India How has it changed over the last decade?
Is Regulation an excuse for no innovation
Is the time right for Regional Airlines in India
Annual Operating Plan
Developing People
India’s digital Public Infrastructure system
Why Read BOOKS?
Airline Innovations
Agility or the need for Speed
What YOU should know about dumpster diving
Why can't Business Schools forecast MBA demand better
Trend Reports
The Do’s and Don’ts of Performance Appraisals
Non-Compete Situations